Chris Kim
Olympic Lifting Coach
Hi there! My name is Christopher Kim and I am a Fitness and Barbell Strength Coach at East Austin Athletic Club. I am originally from Los Angeles, California and I moved to Austin on December 2021(my first move ever anywhere!). One of the best decisions I’ve ever made because I get to work and help build this amazing community we have here at this gym with an amazing group of people.
I became a coach because I wanted to be able to share what I’ve learned and still learning in the health and wellness world. In my opinion, the best part about being a coach is being able to watch another persons progress in their goals.
I currently compete in Olympic Weightlifting competitions and create the photos/videos for the club. If you ever see me with a barbell in a squat position or with a camera in my hands, that’s me! Don’t be a stranger and let’s chat!